Look Both Ways

Tom Knight

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Just released! Look Both Ways takes its theme from the title song, which extolls a basic safety rule while embracing the ever-changing beauty of each season. The album enlarges upon this idea by viewing life from more than one perspective, whether learning another language, being part of a community, or experiencing art in a museum. Look Both Ways

Just released! Look Both Ways takes its theme from the title song, which extolls a basic safety rule while embracing the ever-changing beauty of each season. The album enlarges upon this idea by viewing life from more than one perspective, whether learning another language, being part of a community, or experiencing art in a museum. Look Both Ways interweaves brand-new material (“Wiggly Tooth,” “Five Snow People”) with songs Tom Knight has written since the release of his last album in 2003 (“Look Both Ways,” “Museum Mambo,” “Hot Air Balloon”) and new renditions of favorite tunes from Tom’s early recordings (“The Garbage Monster,” “Alligator Jump,” “Stone Soup”).

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Music Videos 

Watch fully produced music videos of songs featured in the puppet show - free on YouTube! Besides the songs, you can also watch The Tom Knight Show with skits featuring Allie the Alligator and Henry the Magician. 

Singer. Puppeteer. Teacher.
Just Call Him Colorful. 

A creative at work and entertainer at heart, Tom Knight brings fun, whimsy, and personality to the center stage. A pinch of puppetry, a dash of music, and a sprinkling of  educational classes  for young children have been baking for more than 30 years to create an engaging, delightful persona that has charmed audiences around the world. 

Check out his services below and let’s create something splendid! 

Tom Knight Musical Puppet Shows

Now booking in-person shows - outdoors and indoors!  Check out the Tour page for performances near you!

Tom is one talented dude! With his handmade puppets and warm resonant voice, he skillfully captivated my class on a zoom performance. His program was fun, educational and I as an adult was very entertained. I highly recommend him for virtual and live performances!
- Darlene Bowen, pre-k and kindergarten teacher, Northampton, MA